░ 28-02-2025
- new blogpost: ”cowsay”
- new art: acupuncture
- new art: zona.plankton update #15
- added bonus tracks to neuezone (5th anniversary!)
- minor fixes
░ 31-01-2025
- new download: ghost equip artbook
- new blogpost: ”Jam Sessions, Jelly Sections”
- new art: Pôr do sol enferrujado na janela de um busão
- new art: ghost equip artbook
- new art: ge-2025
- new art: ge-ayumita
- new art: zona.plankton update #14
- new music credit: Pôr do sol enferrujado na janela de um busão
- minor fixes
░ 31-12-2024
- new art: study of claudia doumit playing soccer
- new art: girl from today’s dream
- new sketches: heisei godzilla, marisa, unevenly-eyed girl and hobby store
- added a NEW secret! (╭ರ_ఠ)
- updated the misc. webline buttons
- updated the home page’s titlecard
- optimized assets (all of them)
- minor fixes
░ 01-09-2024
- new blogpost: ”Drinking Pepsi Like Bees Do”
- new art: stoic girl
- new sketches:june 27th nº1, june 27th nº2
- new song with t-sc: pi quarter
- minor fixes
░ 16-06-2024
- new art: sanji
- new art: mãe dos gatos
- new art: new socks
- new art: may overcast
- minor fixes
░ 24-02-2024
- new blogpost: ”Bonjour, Pistacchio!”
- new theme: umihara kawase
- new song: g-japan (demo)
- new art: bomber
- new art: bee girls
- new sketches: 5, 6, 7 and 8
- added a favicon for the changelog page
- updated the favicon for the art page
- new zona.plankton buttons on the misc. page
- updated the misc. webline buttons
- added a ‘credits’ section to the music page
- new music credit: cocoroque
- added ‘previous’ and ‘next’ buttons on the blogposts
- updated the homepage to show the latest blogpost in full
- fixed the rss feed
- added a new, secret page (╭ರ_•́)
- minor fixes
░ 30-04-2023
- new art: griddy
- minor fixes
░ 31-03-2023
- updated the misc. page buttons
- minor fixes
░ 28-02-2023
- new art: igor, shut up and jam!
- new art: pedro
- new art: boris
- minor fixes
░ 30-01-2023
- new blogpost: ”Traveling Merchant”
- new art: ghost equip
- new art: fumo
- new theme: blood+
- set default themes based on browser preferences (light/dark)
- added individual pages for blogposts
- revamped the changelog page
- properly updated discography in downloads page
- updated the misc. page buttons
- improved website assets
- implemented astro.js framework
- implemented @hotwired/turbo framework
- reworked html/css files
- improved website’s metadata
- reworked the entire mobile layout
- minor fixes
░ 31-12-2022
- new blogpost: ”A Thousand Lemons (Happy New Year)”
- improved website’s metadata
- added optional music for blogposts
- minor fixes
░ 30-11-2022
- new art: mecha moonit(s)
- new art: mecha moonit
- new song: morning gate (demo)
- new song: tema de governante
- new song: toadstool
- new song: efflux
- new song: audrey pylon (demo)
- created a tumblr account
- updated the about page buttons
- minor fixes
░ 09-10-2022
- new art: does he know
- new art: swordsman
- added a theme selector to the sidebar
- new theme: pxtone
- new blogpost: ”Avalanche!!!”
- added avatars to the blog page
- added ”plankton’s brush bonanza pack” to the downloads page
- improved link visibility
- optimized assets
- minor fixes
░ 03-09-2022
- new art: candle
- added post numbers and a new banner to the blog page
- added an index to the misc. page
- updated the misc. page buttons
- fixed the background image size
- minor fixes
░ 13-08-2022
- rss feed added
- new blogpost: ”I Wish I Were a Bird”
- swapped ‘newsposts’ spot to be the most recent blog entry
- fixed certain loading issues related to image-rendering and height attributes
- updated the about page buttons
- updated the misc. page buttons
- updated the downloads page music archives
- minor fixes
░ 01-08-2022
- website created!