…or so they say.
How have you been this past month? (´• ω •`)ノ
I’m writing this post on the same day that the update is supposed to come out (February 28th, 2025). It is currently 15:05. Really, I was supposed to be done with this at some point during the past 7 days, but I kept falling asleep every time I sat down to write – I only had time after midnight! During the day, I was busy with work, and at night I had busy work, if you know what I mean, hehe… BOOYAH! I was drawing, actually. Anyways, I’m doing this on my lunch break right now.
For reasons unbeknownst to me, this blogpost is the product of a deep urge. I really want to register something here, but I don’t have the slightest clue as to what it is.
You know, I would say I’m an orderly person. I like to keep certain standards. I don’t like this Ice Road Truckers approach to doing stuff where I’m constantly drifting and dangling, a hair away from being late, failing, slipping, crashing, burning, but I’m on the big rigs right now, man! So many deadlines and punctual stuff, I mean, even using the example of the lunch break: for the past two years, I have developed a rhythmic, daily system of getting lunch, one that I have unceremoniously broken just to write for you in time for the update. Following is a long, boring walkthrough:
At 11AM, on the dot, I get out of the office and walk towards my lunch spot. It takes me an average of 7 minutes to get there. I picked the 11AM timeframe because that’s usually when the restaurants around here open and start heating up for the avalanche of people at 12PM-1PM.
I order the same thing every day: not telling you what it is. I don’t like indulging in culinary discussions, it’s serious business. Anyhow, I wait a bit, get the food and pick between 3 different tables. Naturally, they’re in the best spots of the restaurant, so every once in a while, someone will come in and swoop one of them – the other two act as counter-picks. I sit down and pick seven napkins; I use them at different points throughout the meal. The number seven mostly comes down to average and convenience. While eating, I always watch one episode of whatever show I’m going through at the time. During periods of time where I’m not watching anything in particular, I’ll pick a random Simpsons episode – the early seasons are permanently allotted on my phone. After I’m done with both the meal and the episode (which often happens in synchronicity) I clean up my table, get up and leave. It takes me 7 minutes on average to get back to the office.
Whenever I tell people about this they look sort of funny and circle their index finger at their ear. I’m not tethered to this habit, necessarily – I didn’t do it today, like I said, because I needed to write this post, and it didn’t affect me too much; it’s mostly a matter of cadence. The mundanity of it also helps me pay attention to the small stuff that does change on the day-to-day, though I don’t do that in full effect: I remember David Lynch also talked about eating the same thing every day (he might’ve been a subconscious inspiration), but instead of watching something he would write, doodle, and figuratively go fishing – I really want to do something like that soon. Maybe I’ll reorganize.
…Well then, getting back on track—see what happens whenever I write with no revisions? Why the hell did I even describe that? This is some damn scuffed work, man! I guess my point was, things have been so chaotic lately that my lunch habit had to get bicycle-kicked in favor of the monthly update. I’ve had to interrupt it a few times in the past couple weeks because of work-related stints, too, so that’s where this came from, really. Anyhow, I’ll keep it short.

Something interesting that happened this month was that, technically my last album of all-new material, neuezone, turned 5 years old on the 12th. I invite you to imagine me with bloodshot eyes at the sight of this last sentence. I’m working on it.
That record was truly important to me. I’m neither wise nor cool enough for my recollection of the period to be of the slightest interest to any of you so I’ll save my words on it for now. But, I mean, even the name of the album; I already had the name “zona.plankton” bouncing around in my head at the time, but I didn’t know where exactly I was going to use it. So, the “zone” part came from that, and the “neue” part came from NEU!, one of the all-time great bands, and another topic that I’ll save for some other time. If you have never listened to them in your life, consider this to be the strongest recommendation I could possibly ever give.
I really wanted to celebrate the anniversary of the record this year, so I ended up adding an outtake and demo to the Bandcamp page; you can check them out here. It’s not for everyone… you could say it might not even be for anyone, but I liked it, and that’s that.
Even though basically all I’ve done in this post is a lame soliloquy about being disorganized, I’d reckon a big part of the friction I’ve been feeling is in actually having some sort of responsibility to act, instead of eating ice-cream and poking my bellybutton all day. I’ve been pretty excited about zona.plankton lately – the idea of having monthly updates for this year is so cool. It’s been keeping me motivated.
I could go on and on at this point… really, I think most people dropped off after the lunch logistics. There’s no one reading this. I could say whatever the hell I want…
Well, my break is over, I’ll eat something later. I’m glad I got this out though. (¯ . ¯;)
Also, happy birthday to my good friend Igor!
I hope you’ve had a nice February. March is going to be even better, I feel…
Have a beautiful day!
Signed, with love,
noo.dll__〆( ̄ー ̄ )
see ya!