Hello everyone! How ya doing? ^ㅂ^

Phew… A lot happened lately. I’m going to try to keep it simple!
In case you are curious about a classic zona.plankton update, work is steady, the steadiest it has ever been. I’ve been super productive lately. It brings me an insurmountable amount of pain to say this without any hard proof (as usual), but I have always loved the surprise of being instantaneously faced with a finished product, so I have to absorb this pain back into my head. I’m sure a couple people have noticed that I don’t share work-in-progress’ of illustrations and that kind of thing. I’m strenuously thinking of the closest possible action I could take to this that would satisfy both me and you, but at the end of the day I know no such thing exists. The work is seriously getting more and more impressive, so I’m sure you will be waow’d. These things take time ( ˘_˘ )
Now that Twitter (formerly Twitter, under a different logo (formerly Twitter under a different, weirdly goopy-green logo?)) is gone in Brazil, I’m working on improving our communication through here and tidying up website things behind the scenes. There’s a lot of cool things I want to do with the website! You can reach me at contact@zonaplankton.net in the meantime.
Also, I’m still going to post as usual on all the other websites you can see on my about page. If the Twitter thing takes a long time to come back, I’ll give a call to my associates from outside the country and let them handle the accounts for me. Or break the law. In case the authorities are reading this, yes, this is legally binding!*
Here’s something I want to share. This song is by national treasure and wizard Hermeto Pascoal and his group.
Hermeto Pascoal e Grupo - Quando As Aves Se Encontram, Nasce O Som • listen

It’s short & sweet, and it opens up immediately to you, no questions. I go back and replay it over and over, it makes my heart beat, clench and bounce around the ribcage. It’s electric!
I just put my feet up and think “This is music!!!” every time I listen to a Hermeto record. It makes me thing twice about the sound of cars and trucks coming from the highway, the birds singing early morning while walking alone; the mug that I use to boil water hitting the sink and doing a toommmm~ sound, my watch beeping every hour; you get the damn idea. Like every color I see. It’s cleansing.
Speaking of cleansing, I saw a Twitch AMA a while ago with Chre from Aut & Chre, Sean Booth. Someone asked about tinnitus and he mentioned Computer World from Kraftwerk clearing his hearing, specifically the percussive zaps (all the ptchu, ptchu things). I’ve listened to this album hundreds of times, always loved the mixing, but never consciously noticed this effect. I’ve had mild tinnitus for basically my entire life and you know what, it really does clean it up! It’s just noise-cancelling at the end of the day (the general frequency range of those sounds is the same as regular tinnitus would be), but it’s better than just noise-cancelling – it’s Kraftwerk! So I guess this is a recommendation inside a recommendation! ヽ(´ー`)ノ
So It’s Come To This: A Second zona.plankton Rambling

I tend to overwrite or complicate all the writing that I do, blogposts included. This is something that I have been working on. It makes it pretty hard to go back and read these… You can say a lot more with less. Let the little quirks come naturally. Except if you want to write something funny, of course, in which case, write long, long, arduous paragraphs filled with inconsistencies and all your humor dilluted into it. That’s the best way to go. I got this advice in a bar.
It bothers me enough to the point where I even debated myself on the best way of deleting the blog page… But I decided to keep it. Most of my feelings still ring true in them, even if the wording was poor! I have to remind myself of this constantly.
It just pains me because I always sound like such a DUNCE! Which I am, and I shouldn’t try to hide it behind fancy prose. There’s ZERO mystique behind what I do, but I’m fine with it! Actually, I’m lying about being fine with it. What matters is that I’m acting like it’s true.
I go through the effort with these posts mostly because I want to share the things that I love and cherish. It works at the end of the day; I’d consider this to be the single most successful thing about the posts – I still love everything that I have recommended very dearly, in fact, I like them more now than I did when I posted about them! It’s fun to write, you know. But sounding like an idiot is an important part of the process right now. I’m still somewhat young.
One of these days, whenever I make something really good, I hope people will go through the website and realize that for the majority of time, I really wasn’t good at anything. You could even say that I was terrible.
That’s why I still keep all my old drawings and music up. They’re hard to stomach, sure, sort of dumb and embarrassing, but! It feels good to see the progression of someone you admire, that’s responsible for the things you love, or in my case, some random guy you found online, right? It still is a big motivator for me when looking at other artists. Maybe it’s a bit twisted, but I get real excitement when I see that someone whose work I love started out doing some random crap. Even that kind of thing becomes endearing if it’s coming from an artist you enjoy. You get a deeper understanding of everything that came after it.
I think people should be able to see a dog with a bowtie that I made when I was 15. It’s only fair.

If you’re reading this a few years from now, I hope you’re having a great day. If you’re reading this before a couple years have passed, well, hope you’re having a nice day. See, a nice day is slightly lesser than a great day. I’m setting you up to have increasingly greater-in-quality days as time goes on. This is statistics.
Thank you very much, as usual. I’ll save you the frequent indulgent blogposts; a lot of art is coming and I would rather talk about that once it’s out. Keep ya eyes peeled…
Signed, with love,
noo.dll__〆( ̄ー ̄ )
see ya!
* I’m serious, it REALLY is legally binding! I SWEAR!!…jk, teehee─★ not going to do it (≧▽≦)